What is sustainable tourism?

“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities” (UNWTO)

Our aim is to:

• Consider our impact on the environment.
• Measure and strive to reduce our waste production and our energy and water consumption
• Strive to reduce our usage of other natural resources, thereby helping to protect and conserve the environment and the flora and fauna within it.
• Organize responsible holidays.
• Seek out smaller, local, community-owned suppliers.
• Ethical purchasing – to buy products and services produced in way that minimises social or environmental damage. To avoid products and services that have a negative impact.
• Be fair to business partners, who should be able to make a fair profit when working with us.
• Work with the wider tourism industry to innovate and encourage responsible practices.

Holiday Ireland Tours are committed to implementing the following initiatives:

• Publish our sustainability policy on our webpage.
• Sign up to a carbon offsetting scheme from Sustainable Travel Ireland (on reopening).
• Implement internal and external (staff/tour guides) procedures to deliver the action plan.
• To continuously improve. We will gather information on any other actions needed to help us improve and further reduce our impact on the environment.
• Inspire those who come in contact with us to make positive changes in their own lives or businesses.
• Demonstrate cultural respect and awareness while selecting and promoting services.
• Promote tours for smaller groups with programmes that give the opportunity to not only see but to experience the country and its culture.

Remote Working Policy
• Energy. We encourage our staff to:
• Use a renewable energy provider in their homes.
• Gradually switch to LED light bulbs.
• Be energy-efficient savvy – e.g., turn of the lights when not in a room; shut down computers and printers after working hours.

Waste. We encourage our staff to:
• Reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill – especially single-use plastics.
• Compost, recycle and use FSC certified/recycled paper.
• No more physical travel documents.
• No more printed marketing material.

Water. We encourage our staff to:
• Use water- saving toilets.
• Install water-saving shower heads.
• Fix household leaks.
• To collect and use rainwater for garden work.

Our aim is to:

• Consider our impact on the environment.
• Measure and strive to reduce our waste production and our energy and water consumption
• Strive to reduce our usage of other natural resources, thereby helping to protect and conserve the environment and the flora and fauna within it.
• Organize responsible holidays.
• Seek out smaller, local, community-owned suppliers.
• Ethical purchasing – to buy products and services produced in way that minimises social or environmental damage. To avoid products and services that have a negative impact.
• Be fair to business partners, who should be able to make a fair profit when working with us.
• Work with the wider tourism industry to innovate and encourage responsible practices.

Holiday Ireland Tours are committed to implementing the following initiatives:

• Publish our sustainability policy on our webpage.
• Sign up to a carbon offsetting scheme from Sustainable Travel Ireland (on reopening).
• Implement internal and external (staff/tour guides) procedures to deliver the action plan.
• To continuously improve. We will gather information on any other actions needed to help us improve and further reduce our impact on the environment.
• Inspire those who come in contact with us to make positive changes in their own lives or businesses.
• Demonstrate cultural respect and awareness while selecting and promoting services.
• Promote tours for smaller groups with programmes that give the opportunity to not only see but to experience the country and its culture.

Remote Working Policy
• Energy. We encourage our staff to:
• Use a renewable energy provider in their homes.
• Gradually switch to LED light bulbs.
• Be energy-efficient savvy – e.g., turn of the lights when not in a room; shut down computers and printers after working hours.

Waste. We encourage our staff to:
• Reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill – especially single-use plastics.
• Compost, recycle and use FSC certified/recycled paper.
• No more physical travel documents.
• No more printed marketing material.

Water. We encourage our staff to:
• Use water- saving toilets.
• Install water-saving shower heads.
• Fix household leaks.
• To collect and use rainwater for garden work.